국제학술지 (SCI Journals)
Updated : 2024/09/05


[101] Lee, Y., Cho, D., Im, J., Yoo, C., Lee, J., Ham, Y. G., & Lee, M. I. (2024). Unveiling teleconnection drivers for heatwave prediction in South Korea using explainable artificial intelligence. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 176.

[100] Jiyi Jang, Sang-Soo Baek, Daehyun Kang, Yongeun Park, Mayzonee Ligaray, Seung Ho Baek, Jin Yong Choi, Bum Soo Park, Myong-In Lee, Kyung Hwa Cho, Insights and machine learning predictions of harmful algal bloom in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 459, 2024, 142515, ISSN 0959-6526, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142515.

[99] Tak, S., Choi, N., Lee, J., & Lee, M. I. (2024). Probabilistic Medium-Range Forecasts of Extreme Heat Events Over East Asia Based on a Global Ensemble Forecasting System. Weather and Climate Extremes, 100694.

[98] Tak, S., Seo, E., Dirmeyer, P. A., & Lee, M. I. (2024). The role of soil moisture-temperature coupling for the 2018 Northern European heatwave in a subseasonal forecast. Weather and Climate Extremes, 44, 100670.

[97] Park, H., Hwang, J., Cha, D. H., Lee, M. I., Song, C. K., Kim, J., ... & Lee, D. K. (2024). Does a Scale‐Aware Convective Parameterization Scheme Improve the Simulation of Heavy Rainfall Events?. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(7), e2023JD039407.

[96] Park, D. S. R., Seo, E., Lee, M., Cha, D. H., Kim, D., Ho, C. H., ... & Min, S. K. (2024). Sea surface temperature warming to inhibit mitigation of tropical cyclone destructiveness over East Asia in El Niño. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 24.


[95] Lee, J., Lee, M. I., Tak, S., Seo, E., & Lee, Y. K. (2023). Assimilation of snow water equivalent from AMSR2 and IMS satellite data utilizing the local ensemble transform Kalman filter. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2023, 1-42.

[94] Kim, J., Kang, D., Lee, M. I., Jin, E. K., Kug, J. S., & Lee, W. S. (2023). Remote influences of ENSO and IOD on the interannual variability of the West Antarctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(10), e2022JD038313.

[93] Park, J., Moon, J., Cho, W., Cha, D. H., Lee, M. I., Chang, E. C., ... & An, J. (2023). Sensitivity of Real‐Time Forecast for Typhoons Around Korea to Cumulus and Cloud Microphysics Schemes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(3), e2022JD036709.

[92] Yoon, D., Kang, T., Cha, D. H., Song, C. K., Lee, M. I., Min, K. H., ... & Seo, E. (2023). Role of land–atmosphere interaction in the 2016 Northeast Asia heat wave: impact of soil moisture initialization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(2), e2022JD037718.

(Past ~2022)

[91] Kim, D. S., Jun, S. Y., Lee, M. I., & Kug, J. S. (2022). Significant relationship between Arctic warming and East Asia hot summers. International Journal of Climatology, 42(16), 9530-9538.

[90] Lee, J., Lee, M. I., & Ahn, J. B. (2022). Importance of ocean initial conditions of late autumn on winter seasonal prediction skill in atmosphere–land–ocean–sea ice coupled forecast system. Climate Dynamics, 58(11), 3427-3440.

[89] Lee, S., Kim, G., Lee, M. I., Choi, Y., Song, C. K., & Kim, H. K. (2022). Seasonal dependence of aerosol data assimilation and forecasting using satellite and ground-based observations. Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2123.

[88] Yoon, D., Kim, K., Cha, D. H., Lee, M. I., Im, J., Cho, D., & Min, K. H. (2022). Development of model output statistics based on the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression for forecasting next‐day maximum temperature in South Korea. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148(745), 1929-1944.

[87] Lee, S., Park, S., Lee, M. I., Kim, G., Im, J., & Song, C. K. (2022). Air quality forecasts improved by combining data assimilation and machine learning with satellite AOD. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(1), e2021GL096066.

[86] Kim, H. K., Lee, S., Bae, K. H., Jeon, K., Lee, M. I., & Song, C. K. (2022). An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data. Remote Sensing, 14(2), 389.

[85] Kim, G., Lee, S., Im, J., Song, C. K., Kim, J., & Lee, M. I. (2021). Aerosol data assimilation and forecast using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager aerosol optical depth and in-situ observations during the KORUS-AQ observing period. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 58(7), 1175-1194.

[84] Ham, Y. G., Kim, J. G., Lee, J. G., Li, T., Lee, M. I., Son, S. W., & Hyun, Y. K. (2021). The origin of systematic forecast errors of extreme 2020 East Asian Summer Monsoon rainfall in GloSea5. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(16), e2021GL094179.

[83] Yasunari, T. J., Nakamura, H., Kim, K. M., Choi, N., Lee, M. I., Tachibana, Y., & da Silva, A. M. (2021). Relationship between circum-Arctic atmospheric wave patterns and large-scale wildfires in boreal summer. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 064009.

[82] Yoon, D., Cha, D. H., Lee, M. I., Min, K. H., Jun, S. Y., & Choi, Y. (2021). Comparison of regional climate model performances for different types of heat waves over South Korea. Journal of Climate, 34(6), 2157-2174.

[81] Kim, G., J. Lee, M.-I. Lee*, and D. Kim, 2020: Impacts of the Urban Heat Island on the Local Circulation and Air Pollutant Distribution Simulated by the WRF-UCM Coupled with Chemistry Model. Atmos. Env., revised.

[80] Lee, J., M.-I. Lee*, and J.-B. Ahn, 2020: Impacts of the coupled initializations for the ocean and sea ice on the seasonal prediction skill in boreal winter. J. Clim., submitted.

[79] Yasunari, T., et al., 2020: Circum-Arctic wave pattern as predictor of PM2.5 due to the Arctic wildfires, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., submitted.

[78] Yoon, D., D.-H. Cha, M.-I. Lee, K.-H. Min, S.-Y. Jun, and Y. Choi, 2020: Comparison of regional climate model performances for different type heat waves over South Korea. J. Climate, online.

[77] Park, C.E., S. Jeong, L. J. Harrington, M. I. Lee, and C. Zheng, 2020: Aging will increase the future risks of unprecedented hot summers. Env. Res. Lett., accepted.

[76] Seo, E., M.-I. Lee*, and R. H. Reichle, 2020: Assimilation of SMAP and ASCAT Soil Moisture Retrievals into the JULES Land Surface Model Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. Rem. Sen. Env., accepted.

[75] Seo, E., M.-I. Lee*, S. D. Schubert, R. Koster, and H.-S. Kang, 2020: Investigation of the 2016 Eurasia heat wave as an event of the recent warming. Env. Res. Lett., accepted.

[74] Gyundo Pak, Yign Noh, Myong-In Lee, Sang-Wook Yeh, Daehyun Kim, Sang-Yeob Kim, Joon-Lee Lee, Ho Jin Lee, Seung-Hwon Hyun, Kwang-Yeon Lee, Jae-Hak Lee, Young-Gyu Park, and Young Ho Kim, 2020: Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology Earth System Model and its simulation characteristics. Ocean Science Journal, accepted. 

[73] Yoon, D., D. -H. Cha, M.-I. Lee, K.-H. Min, J. Kim, S.-Y. Jun, and Y. Choi, 2020: Recent Change in Heatwave Characteristics over Korea. Clim. Dyn., 55, 1685-1696.

[72] Park, S., D. Kang, C. Yoo, J. Im, and M.-I. Lee, 2020: Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data. ISPRS Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 162, 17-26.

[71] Kim, G., M.-I. Lee*, S. Lee, S.-D. Choi, S.-J. Kim, and C.-K. Song, 2020: Numerical Modeling for the Accidental Dispersion of Hazardous Air Pollutants in the Urban Metropolitan Area. Atmosphere, in press.

[70] Lee, S., M.-I. Lee*, C.-K. Song, K.-M. Kim, and A. M. da Silva, 2020: Interannual Variation of the East Asia Jet Stream and Its Impact on the Horizontal Distribution of Aerosol in Boreal Spring. Atmos. Env., in print.

[69] Kim, H., M. I. Lee*, S. Kim, Y.-K. Lim, S. D. Schubert, and A. M. Molod, 2020: Representation of Tropical Cyclones by the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications Version 2. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., Online Release.

[68] Choi, N., M. I. Lee*, D. H. Cha, Y. K. Lim, and K. M. Kim, 2019: Decadal Changes in the Interannual Variability of Heatwaves in East Asia Caused by Atmospheric Teleconnection Changes. J. Clim., Early Online Release.

[67] Kim, H., M.-I. Lee*, D.-H. Cha, Y.-K. Lim, and W. M. Putman, 2019: Improved representation of the diurnal variation of warm season precipitation by an atmospheric general circulation model at a 10 km horizontal resolution. Climate Dynamics, 53(11), 6523-6542

[66] Kim, S.-J., H.-O. Kwon, M.-I. Lee, Y. Seo, and S.-D. Choi, 2019: Spatial and temporal variations of volatile organic compounds using passive air samplers in the multi-industrial city of Ulsan, Korea, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 5831-5841.

[65] Choi, N. and M.-I. Lee*, 2019: Spatial Variability and Long-Term Trend in the Occurrence Frequency of Heatwave and Tropical Night in Korea, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 55, 101-114

[64] Choi, N., K.-M. Kim, Y.-K. Lim, and M.-I. Lee*, 2019: Decadal changes in the leading patterns of sea level pressure in the Arctic and their impacts on the sea ice variability in boreal summer, The Cryosphere, 13, 3007–3021.

[63] Seo, E., M-I. Lee*, D. Kim, Y.-K. Lim, S. D. Schubert, and K.-M. Kim, 2019: Interannual variation of tropical cyclones simulated by GEOS-5 AGCM with modified convection scheme. Int J Climatol., 39, 4041– 4057. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6058

[62] Kim, M., M.-S. Park, J. Im, S. Park, and M.-I. Lee*, 2019: Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data. Rem. Sens., 11(10:1195.  

[61] Lee, S., and M.-I. Lee*, 2019: Effects of surface vegetation on the intensity of East Asian summer monsoon as revealed by observation and model experiments. Int J Climatol, 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6420

[60] Kim, D., Lee, M.-I.*, and E. Seo, 2019: Improvement of Soil Respiration Parameterization in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model and Its Impact on the Simulation of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes, J. Climate, 32, 127-143.

[59] Yoon, D., D.-H. Cha, G. Lee, C. Park, M.-I. Lee, and K.-H. Min, 2018: Impacts of Synoptic and Local Factors on Heat Wave Events Over Southeastern Region of Korea in 2015. J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos., 123 (21), 12,081-12,096.

[58] Kim, H., M.-I. Lee**, et al., 2018: Representation of Boreal Winter MJO and Its Teleconnection in a Dynamical Ensemble Seasonal Prediction System. J. Climate, in press. 

[57] Park, S., E. Seo, D. Kang, J. Im, and M. -I. Lee, 2018: Prediction of drought on pentad scale using remote sensing data and MJO index through random forest over East Asia. Remote Sens., 10(11), 1811.

[56] Kim, D., M.-I. Lee**, S. -J. Jeong, J. Im, D. H. Cha, and S. Lee, 2017: Intercomparison of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Carbon Use Efficiency Simulated by CMIP5 Earth System Models, Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., online first. 

[55] Seo, E., M.-I. Lee**, et al., 2018: Impact of soil moisture initialization on boreal summer subseasonal forecasts: mid-latitude surface air temperature and heat wave events. Clim. Dyn., in press. 

[54] Kang, D., and M.-I. Lee**, 2016: Increase in the Potential Predictability of the Arctic Oscillation via Intensified Teleconnection with ENSO after the Mid-1990s. Clim. Dyn., published on line

[53] Kim, M., J. Im, H. Park, S. Park, M-I. Lee, and M.-H. Ahn, 2017: Detection of Tropical Overshooting Cloud Tops Using Himawari-8 Imagery, Remote Sensing, 9, 685. 

[52] Shin, S.-H., O.-Y. Kim, D. Kim, and M.-I. Lee*, 2016: Cloud radiative effects and changes simulated by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 34, 859-876.

[51] Lee, S., D. Kim, J. Im*, M.-I. Lee**, and Y.-G. Park, 2017: CO2 concentration and its spatiotemporal variation in the troposphere using multi-sensor satellite data, carbon tracker, and aircraft observations. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 54, 592-613.

[50] Choi, Y., D.-H. Cha, M.-I. Lee, J. Kim, C-S. Jin, S.-H. Park, and M.-S. Joh, 2017: Satellite radiance data assimilation for binary tropical cyclone cases over the western North Pacific, J. Adv. Model Earth Sys., 9, 832-853.

[49] Lee, S., H. Han, J. Im, E. Jang, and M.-I. Lee, 2016: Detection of deterministic and probabilistic convection initiation using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager data. Atmos. Mea. Tech., 10, 1859-1874.

[48] Park, M.-S., M.-I. Lee**, D. Kim, D.-H. Cha, M. M. Bell, and R. L. Elsberry, 2017: Land-based convection effects on formation of a tropical cyclone Mekkhala (2008). Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 1315-1337.

[47] Kang, D., and M.-I. Lee**, 2017: ENSO Influence on the dynamical seasonal prediction of the East Asian Winter Monsoon. Clim. Dyn., published online.

[46] Kim, D., H. Kim, and M.-I. Lee*, 2017: Why does the MJO detour the Maritime Continent during Austral summer? Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 2579–2587.

[45] Kim, O.-Y., H.-M. Kim, M.-I. Lee, Y.-M. Min, and S.-H. Shin, 2017: Dynamical-statistical seasonal prediction for western North Pacific typhoons based on APCC multi-models. Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3063-1.

[44] Lee, W.-S., and M.-I. Lee*, 2016: Interannual variability of heat waves in South Korea and their connection with large‐scale atmospheric circulation patterns. Int. J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.4671

[43] Truong, S. C. H., M. -I. Lee**, G. Kim, D. Kim, J.-H. Park, S.-D. Choi, and G. Cho, 2016: Accidental benzene release risk assessment in an urban area using an atmospheric dispersion model. Atmos. Environ., 144, 146-159. 

[42] Park, M.-S., M. Kim, M.-I. Lee**, J. Im*, S. Park, 2016: Detection of Tropical Cyclone Genesis via Quantitative Satellite Ocean Surface Wind Pattern and Intensity Analyses using Decision Trees. Remote Sens. Env., 183, 205-214. 

[41] Park, M.-S., M.-I. Lee**, H. Kim, and J.-M. Yoo, 2016: Spatial and diurnal variations of storm height in the East Asia summer monsoon: storm height regimes and large-scale diurnal modulation, Clim. Dyn., 46, 3-4, 745-763, DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2610-5. 

[40] Yoo, J.-M., Jeong, M.-J., Kim, D., Stockwell, W. R., Yang, J.-H., Shin, H.-W., Lee, M.-I., Song, C.-K., and Lee, S.-D., 2015: Spatiotemporal variations of air pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2, CO, PM10, and VOCs) with land-use types, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,15, 10857-10885

[39] Pradhan, P. K., P. Venkatraman, D.-Y. Lee, and M.-I. Lee, 2016: El Niño and Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Relationship in retrospective seasonal prediction runs: Experiments with Coupled Global Climate Models and MMEs. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 128, 1, 97-115. DOI: 10.1007/s00703-015-0396-y.

[38] Min, S.-K., S.-W. Son, K.-H. Seo, J.-S. Kug, S.-I. An, Y.-S. Choi, J.-H. Jeong, B.-M. Kim, J.-W. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, M.-I. Lee, 2015: Changes in weather and climate extremes over Korea and possible causes: A review, Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 103-121.

[37] Lim, Y.-K., S. D. Schubert, O. Reale, M.-I. Lee, A.M. Mold, and M. J. Suarez, 2015: Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclones to Parameterized Convection in the NASA GEOS5 Model. J. Climate, 28, 2, 551-573. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00104.1

[36] Park, M.-S., H.-S. Kim, C.-H. Ho, R.L. Elsberry, and M.-I. Lee, 2015: Tropical cyclone Mekkhala(2008)'s formation over South China Sea: Mesoscale, synoptic-scale, and large-scale contributions. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 88–110.

[35] Han, H., S. Lee, J. Im, M. Kim, M.-I. Lee, M. H. Ahn, and S.-R. Chung, 2015: Detection of convective initiation using meteorological imager onboard Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite based on machine learning approaches. Remote Sens. 7, 9184-9204.

[34] Shin, S.H., M.-I. Lee, and O.-K. Kim, 2014: Examinations of cloud variability and future change in the coupled model intercomparison project phase 3 simulations. Asia-Paific J. Atmos. Sci., 50(4), 481-495, DOI:10.1007/s13143-014-0038-1

[33] Kang, D., M.–I. Lee*, J. Im, D. Kim, H.-M. Kim, H.-S. Kang, S. D. Schubert, A. Arribas, C. MacLachlan, 2014: Prediction of the Arctic Oscillation in Boreal Winter by Dynamical Seasonal Forecasting Systems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 3577-3585, DOI:10.1002/2014GL060011

[32] Kim, D., M.-I. Lee, H.-M. Kim, and S. D. Schubert, 2014: The Modulation of Tropical Storm Activity in the Western North Pacific by the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the GEOS-5 AGCM Experiments. Atmos. Sci. Lett., DOI:10.1002/asl2.509

[31] Kang, D., J. Im*, M.-I. Lee, and L. J. Quackenbush, 2014: The MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Product as an Indicator of Sea Ice Minimum over the Arctic Ocean, Remote Sens. Environ., 152, 99-108, DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2014.05.012

[30] Lee, M.-I., H.-S. Kang, D. Kim, D. Kim, H. Kim, and D. Kang, 2014: Validation of the Experimental Hindcasts Produced by the GloSea4 Seasonal Prediction System. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 50(3), 307-326, DOI:10.1007/s13143-014-0019-4

[29] Kim, D., M.-I. Lee*, D. Kim, S. D. Schubert, D.E. Waliser, B. Tian, 2014: Representation of tropical subseasonal variability of precipitation in global reanalysis. Clim. Dyn., doi: 10.1007/s00382-013-1890-x

[28] Kim, H.-M, M.-I. Lee, P.J. Webster, D. Kim, and J.-H. Yoo, 2013: A physical Basis for the Probabilistic Prediction of the Accumulated Tropical Cyclone Kinetic Energy in the Western North Pacific. J. Clim., 26, 7981-7991, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00679.1

[27] Blackburn, M.*, D. L. Williamson, K. Nakajima, W. Ohfuchi, Y. O. Takahashi, Y.-Y. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, M. Ishiwatari, J. McGregor, H. Borth, V. Wirth, H. Frank, P. Bechtold, N. P. Wedi, H. Tomita, M. Satoh, M. Zhao, I. M. Held, M. J. Suarez, M.-I. Lee, M. Watanabe, M. Kimoto, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, A. Molod, K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh, and R. Stratton, 2013: The Aqua Planet Experiment(APE): Control SST simulation. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 91A, 17-56, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-A02.

[26] Williamson, D. L.*, M. Blackburn, K. Nakajima, W. Ohfuchi, Y. O. Takahashi, Y.-Y. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, M. Ishiwatari, J. McGregor, H. Borth, V. Wirth, H. Frank, P. Bechtold, N. P. Wedi, H. Tomita, M. Satoh, M. Zhao, I. M. Held, M. J. Suarez, M.-I. Lee, M. Watanabe, M. Kimoto, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, A. Molod, K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh, and R. Stratton, 2013: The Aqua Planet Experiment(APE): Response to changed meridional SST fields. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 91A, 57-89 doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-A03.

[25] Yamada, T. J., M.-I. Lee, M. Kanamitsu, H. Kanamaru, 2012: Diurnal Characteristics of Rainfall over the Contiguous United States and Northern Mexico in the Dynamically Downscaled Reanalysis Dataset (US10). J. Hydrometeor, 13, 1142–1148. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-11-0121.1.

[24] Jiang, X., D.E. Waliser, D. Kim, M. Zhao, K.R. Sperber, W. F. Stern, S.D. Schubert, G.J. Zhang, W. Wang, M. Khairoutdinov, R. B. Neale, and M.-I. Lee, 2012: Simulation of the intraseasonal variability over the Eastern Pacific ITCZ in climate models. Clim. Dyn., 39, 3, 617-636. DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1098-x.

[23] Lee, M. -I., S. D. Schubert. and D. Kim, 2011: Representaton of Tropical Storms in the Northwestern Pacific by the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications. Asia-Paific J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 245-253, DOI:10.1007/s13143-011-0013-z

[22] Frierson, D. M. W., D. Kim, I.-S. Kang, M.-I. Lee, J. Lin, 2011: Structure of AGCM-Simulated Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves and Sensitivity to Convective Parameterization. J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 26–45. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2010JAS3356.1.

[21] Matsui, T., D. Mocko, M.-I. Lee, W.-K. Tao, M. J. Suarez, and R. A. Pielke Sr., 2010: Ten-year climatology of summertime diurnal rainfall rate over the conterminous U.S. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L13807, doi:10.1029/2010GL044139.

[20] Lee, M.-I., I. Choi, W.-K. Tao, S. D. Schubert, I.-S. Kang, 2010: Mechanisms of diurnal precipitation over the US Great Plains: A cloud resolving model perspective. Clim. Dyn., 34, 419-437, doi 10.1007/s00382-009-0531-x.

[19] Kim, D., K. Sperber, W. Stern, D. Waliser, I.-S. Kang, E. Maloney, W. Wang, K. Weickmann, J. Benedict, M. Khairoutdinov, M.-I. Lee, R. Neale, M. Suarez, K. Thayer-Calder, and G. Zhang, 2009: Application of MJO Simulation Diagnostics to Climate Models, J. Climate, 22,  6413-6436.

[18] Bell, T. L., J.-M. Yoo, and M.-I. Lee, 2009: Note on the weekly cycle of storm heights over the SE U.S., Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D15201, doi:10.1029/2009JD012041.

[17] Gutzler, D., L. N. Long, J. Schemm, M. Bosilovich, J. Chern, J. C. Collier, M. Kanamitsu, P. Kelly, D. Lawrence, M.-I. Lee, R. Lobato S., B. Mapes, K. Mo, A. Nunes, E. Ritchie, J. Roads, S. B. Roy, S. Schubert, H. Wei and G. Zhang, 2009: Simulations of the 2004 North American Monsoon circulation: NAMAP 2. J. Climate, 22,  6716-6740.

[16] Lee, M.-I., M. J. Suarez, I-S. Kang, I. M. Held, and D. Kim, 2008: A moist benchmark calculations for atmospheric general circulation models. J. Climate, 21, 4934-4954.

[15] Lee, M.-I., S. D. Schubert, M. J. Suarez, J.-K. E. Schemm, H.-L. Pan, J. Han, and S.-H. Yoo, 2008: Role of convection triggers in the simulation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the United States Great Plans in a general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res.,113, D02111, doi:10.1029/2007JD008984.

[14] Lin, J.-L., M.-I. Lee, D. Kim, I.-S. Kang, and D. M. W. Frierson, 2008: Impacts of convective parameterization and moisture convective trigger on AGCM-simulated convectively coupled equatorial waves. J. Climate, 21, 883-909.

[13] Bell, T. L., D. Rosenfeld, K.-M. Kim, J.-M. Yoo, M.-I. Lee, and M. Hahnenberger, 2008: Midweek increase in U.S. summer rain suggests air pollution invigorates rainstorms. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D02209, doi:10.1029/2007JD008623.

[12] Jiang, X., D. E. Waliser, M. C. Wheeler, C. Jones, M.-I. Lee, and S. D. Schubert, 2008: Assessing the Skill of an All-season Statistical Forecast Model for the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Mon. Weather Rev., 136, 1940-1956.

[11] Lin, J.-L., B. E. Mapes, K. M. Weickmann, G. N. Kiladis, S. D., Schubert, M. J. Suarez, J. T. Bacmeister, and M.-I. Lee, 2008: North American monsoon and convectively coupled equatorial waves simulated by IPCC AR4 coupled GCMs. J. Climate, 21, 2919-2937.

[10] Lin, J.-L., K. M. Weickmann, G. N. Kiladis, B. E. Mapes, S. D., Schubert, M. J. Suarez, J. T. Bacmeister, and M.-I. Lee, 2008: Subseasonal variability associated with Asian summer monsoon simulated by 14 IPCC AR4 coupled GCMs. J. Climate, 21, 4541-4567. 

[9] Lee, M.-I., S.D. Schubert, M. J. Suarez, I. M. Held, A. Kumar, T. L. Bell, J.-K. E. Schemm, N.-C. Lau, J.-J. Ploshay, H.-K. Kim, J. J. Ploshay, S.-H. Yoo, 2007: Sensitivity to horizontal resolution in the AGCM simulations of warm season diurnal cycle of precipitation over the United States and northern Mexico. J. Clim., 20, 1862–1881.

[8] Lee, M.-I., S.D. Schubert, M. J. Suarez, I. M. Held, N.-C. Lau, J. J. Ploshay, A. Kumar, H.-K. Kim, and J.-K. E. Schemm, 2007: An analysis of the warm season diurnal cycle over the continental United States and northern Mexico in general circulation models. J. Hydromet., 8, 344-366.

[7] Lee, M.-I., S.D. Schubert, M. J. Suarez, T. L. Bell, and K.-M. Kim, 2007: Diurnal cycle of precipitation in the NASA Seasonal to Interannual Prediction Project atmospheric general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D16111, doi:10.1029/2006JD008346.

[6] Lau, W. K. M., K.-M. Kim, and M.-I. Lee, 2007: Characteristics of diurnal and seasonal cycles in global monsoon systems. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 85A, 403-416.

[5] Lin, J.-L., D. Kim, M.-I. Lee, and I.-S. Kang, 2007: Effects of cloud-radiative heating on atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations of convectively coupled equatorial waves, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D24107, doi:10.1029/2006JD008291.

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